
The Keys to Business Performance Outcomes

Wed 16 Jun 2021

Your firm’s people are its greatest assets. Revenue, profit, client acquisition, and retention all hinge on how well staff members execute their duties. Given this fact, every firm should optimize its performance outcomes, including individual employees’ performance.

Business performance for law firms is most effectively measured by taking a multi-faceted approach that focuses on outcomes rather than appearances, especially if your firm is operating primarily or entirely remotely due to the pandemic. Now is the time to take advantage of the opportunity presented by remote operations to evaluate factors in employee performance that have a measurable impact on your firm’s overall performance.

Promote Employee Engagement

A performance management system that provides ongoing feedback and praise, and encourages regular employee input, helps improve engagement.  An atmosphere of active employee engagement drives productivity and enhances personal development. Objective Manager’s Engagement platform allows teams to build a collaborative culture with purpose by providing streamlined communication channels, a suite of survey tools, and a recognition system that ties it all together.

An atmosphere of active employee engagement drives productivity and enhances personal development.


Take a Strengths-Based Approach 

While it is sometimes necessary to spot weaknesses to enable teams to be well-rounded in their respective roles, taking a strengths-based approach to performance management can be very effective compared to a general approach. Targeting each individual’s strong points, and assigning duties that play to those strengths whenever possible, results in more effective performance from every employee. Objective Manager provides the tools to create competency frameworks and personal development plans that encourage a strength-based approach in addition to role-specific benchmarks.

Measure What Matters

There are countless metrics that a firm can choose to measure. But if those metrics are not a crucial part of enhancing performance, increasing productivity, and supporting the firm’s overall strategy, they’re likely not the right things to measure. Focus on measuring the things that matter to your firm, both generally across the firm and specifically for teams and roles. Objective Manager allows users to break down broad firm strategies into measurable goals and action items. Law firm key performance indicators are then tracked from those items to encourage strategy execution.

Evaluating performance also consists of measuring that performance against a benchmark. That benchmark could measure performance against an ideal level of performance or current performance measured against historic performance. Quantifying the data makes it much easier to measure it objectively and creates a more reliable performance picture.

Be Transparent in Your Communications

When defining goals and measuring performance, transparency is key. Open communication lines that help everyone know and understand the firm’s strategic goals and the part they play are key to achieving those goals. Transparent performance reviews enable staff to clearly understand what is expected of them and align their objectives and performance with the firm’s goals. Objective Manager’s Objective Setting and Personal Development areas allow for clear objectives and milestones to signal what is needed from a partner for the firm and the individual to succeed.

Objective Manager provides the keys to unlock your ideal performance outcomes. Contact us today to schedule a demo.

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